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- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 17:50:33 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- Subject: [IML] QUEST: Starwars, light sabres and fog objects
- I've made my first fog object! Hurrah! But it all went horribly wrong
- :-(
- I'm trying to make something similar to a light sabre. I've got a
- central cone like object, then a larger copy of it outside that, then a
- much larger copy outside that. The inner object is maximum brightness,
- full red colour, and a red lightsource. The middle object is a darkish
- red fog object with ghost applied. The outer object is a pale pink
- coloured fog object with ghost applied.
- The middle and outer objects have different strengths of fog and
- ghost as these are the glow that the sabre creates and the outer object
- must be a lot lighter and more transparent. When I render, even in a
- scene where there's a background, it all looks weird. The inner object
- is fine and so is the outer object but the inner object seems to cancel
- out the outer object so there is total transparency where the middle
- object is but you can still see the inner object.
- How do I fix this, or how do I create a good, realistic, animatable
- light sabre? I created this object after looking at some tutorials on
- halos around lightsources, laser beams, and neon lights found in
- dare2imagine and the imagine FAQ 8.
- I have IMD 4.0, no essence textures, the texture toolkit and very little
- knowledge of imagine textures (so explain everything very clearly).
- Also are there any good StarWars pics out on the web?
- Thanks,
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 11:05:20 -0700
- From: Bill Graham <nucmong@PRIMENET.COM>
- When nesting fog objects like that, try making the various elements with
- "thickness". So that your light sword cone would actually be two cones
- Joined together, with the bottoms stitched together. The same goes for
- transparent objects with things inside them.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 19:34:54 +0000
- From: "Matthew O'Neill" <mash@DINGNET.DEMON.CO.UK>
- Organization: Cosmic!
- Remeber that one of imagines features (ahem) is that if 2 layers of
- fog over lap each other then they cancel each other out.
- Kill the fog on the 2 inner objects and set the large objects fog
- slightly thicker (smaller number)
- This is the only thing that I can think of.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 15:02:06 +0100
- From: Martin Lykke <opedion@PIP.DKNET.DK>
- George.
- Yes... a bug If you want to do a lightsaber.... But sometimes you can use
- the canceling to do special effects. I think T. Holm explained some time
- ago. I would love it if you hade the ability to select between add/sub/or
- ect. when adding fog to and object.
- So Mike H.
- Would this be possible to put into Imagine? Or would you have to re-do alot
- of Imagines structure?
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 15:49:48 +0100
- From: Andreas Backhaus <andreas.backhaus@DORTMUND.NETSURF.DE>
- You may also want to have a look at the volumetrics tutorials by Hans
- Lightbrush. He shows a very clever way to use this fog "feature" for
- volumetric effects. Check out: http://hem2.passagen.se/lightb
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 12:50:45 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- Richard Jennings wrote:
- > This is a "feature" of Imagine. When
- > fog objects occupy the same 3D same
- > they cancel.
- These *features* are beginning to get on my nerves.
- I've set it up so that the outer fog object (the very outer glow) is
- just a plane with the shape of the middle object cut out of it but
- unfortunately this means that it has to be aligned to the camera for it
- to appear straight on. Is there anyway to align just one axis of an
- object to the camera? Also why does the ribbed texture create gaps
- between the ribs?
- Thanks,
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 15:09:59 +0100
- From: Torgeir Holm <torgeir@UNION.NO>
- Like mentioned lots of times before, this us actually in many cases a
- useful feature. If impulse change how fog works, they must also leave the
- old way in there, so that old projects will still render fine.
- The best way to make a light sabre would be to use a tapered cylinder, set
- to fog. Then use ABFakely and ABFakeNC multiple times to manipulate the
- coloring and foglength, then add a sprinkle of ABBoost to make it really glow.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 14:13:25 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- And for those of us with Imagine for Dos (i.e. no ABtextures)?? What I
- really need is ABBoost though. Any-way to fake this?
- Thanks,
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 15:29:42 +0100
- From: Torgeir Holm <torgeir@UNION.NO>
- If you have the dos version you can Use multiple layers of fakely and Ghost.
- The reason why you need ABtextures in IFW is that there is a bug in the IFW
- textures that doesn't let you use negative numbers to disable part of the
- textures. (and AB has a lot better coltrol of the angles affected) As for
- the boost: just enter numbers above 255 for the RGB values.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 17:36:03 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- Subject: Re: [IML] QUEST: Starwars, light sabres and fog objects
- X-UIDL: eca505135fbef18f5628876a1865eae5
- Thanks. I managed to create my lightsaber at last just using an outer
- fog object with ghost and a bright, white inner object. Looks pretty
- good. With Imagine for Dos you can't enter colour values higher than
- 255. Would motion blur give me the effect that they had on StarWars
- where as they swung the lightsaber it left a trail of glow in the wake
- of the swing?
- When I look at my image on its own the lightsabre look very realistic
- but when I compare it to a StarWars image of the lightsabre fight scene
- you can easily tell the difference. You really need ABBoost or something
- to boost the colours past 255 to get the right effect. Is there a
- texture or something out there that could boost the colour values? I
- could probably do this in Photoshop but I need it for an animation.
- Thanks,
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 07:06:38 -0500
- From: Gregory Denby <gdenby@TWAIN.HELIOS.ND.EDU>
- Actually, the lightsabers in the first Star Wars, and maybe the later ones
- were a post process, i.e. they were painted onto the film over the
- image of the actors holding just the handles (if I'm remembering the
- "Making of Star Wars" from 20 years ago.
- Also, maybe if you actually do perfectly imitate the Star Wars sabers,
- the LucasArts Copyright Patrol might find its way to your door...
- On a more helpful note, you might be able to get a better effect if you
- start experimenting with layered semi-transparent cones, etc. As long as
- you up the resolve depth, you will be able to trace the images. Longer
- processor time, but less manual work.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 17:56:09 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- If any-one is interested in what I'm talking about then you can see the
- difference between my lightsaber and the real one:
- http://home.clara.net/cole/mine.jpg -my lightsabre
- http://home.clara.net/cole/theirs.gif -their lightsabre
- Keep the help coming :-)
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 13:29:22 -0500
- From: Jason Miller <jason@3DILLUSION.COM>
- I decided to make a light saber for you guys. Here it is, tell me what
- you think of it.
- http://jason.3dillusion.com/images/works/saber.jpg
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 14 Feb 1998 23:20:00 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- With the help of Jason and some other people I finally got the hint that
- putting fakely on might be a good idea. See
- http://home.clara.net/cole/mine2.jpg
- The outer glow is an object with fog and ghost. The inner object is
- bright white fakely going to darker red around 0.2 setting.
- Looks better but I won't be able to get such a white glow on the inner
- object when I've got the outer glow object as it darkens it. You need 2
- object to get the outer glow to go down the handle and the inner glow to
- not go down the handle!
- George Cole
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 19 Feb 1998 19:57:57 +0000
- From: George Cole <George@COLE.CLARA.NET>
- A little note to every-one to say thanks for all of the help with the
- lightsaber and related problems. Once I've figured IK and bones I should
- have an animation to show for my work. Then I'll get back to the Ant!!
- Thanks again,
- ----------------------------------